Saturday, June 16, 2018

Testing the Water of Lake Bolsena

In keeping with the research in my previous post, this spring I tested the water from Lago di Bolsena, Italy. Although this testing was conducted on fifteen samples of water rather than twenty (as previously tested in Marnay Sur Seine), both studies were examined for the same amount of time - fifteen days.  Previously, five out of the twenty samples of water studied resulted in specific changes related to their surroundings. The research at Lago di Bolsena resulted in four out of the fifteen samples studied being influenced by their particular environments. Both outcomes are consistent in having approximately a one to four ratio in samples mimicking the shapes of the found objects by which they were influenced.
Below are documented visuals of the Lago di Bolsena study. Photos of the objects which were found near the lake are shown underneath the outcome of each water molecule - frozen under a microscope after fifteen days of exposure to that exact object.

Trantler: Unity Sculpture installed in Gearhart, Oregon

The sculpture installed at the Sweet Shop Gearhart titled Trantler is based on combining two predominant elements in Gearhart: the wild elk...